Today is 'Black Sunday Too'. First of all the electricity in the schmoo 'safe house' (somewhere in London's West End) went out for three hours this afternoon. And Yahoo's servers have gone down ... again (last time it was a Sunday too). And their stock has gone down too. It is too much.
However it is hard to feel sorry for Yahoo - after all they are directly responsible for several bloggers being in jail today somewhere in China.
The moment we can get in to we are copying the address book to gmail and deleating our account.
Gmail is a much better service anyway. Although Google does agree to operate under Chinese censorship rules in China (which in practice means Chinese users get a better service rather than a load of 'dead' (executed?) censored links), at least they do not grass up bloggers, and hand over personal email records to the Chinese Click Cops.
And forget 'hotmail' - they don't call it 'hot' for nothing you know.
Let us just hope Yahoo comes on line again long enough to let us copy our address book before they go down - forever.
• The ominously named 'Bloggeroffline' is reporting that their contact in claims that the Yahoo informer portal will be "back up" (grassing it's users up) at midnight (when Dracula wakes up presumably).
yahoo - Google
schmoo writes on the run from almost everyone, hiding in a 'safe house' somewhere in central london.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Blair on the run?

Thousands of people are to march through London today demanding his arrest and extradition - to Palestine.
Charges of 'aiding and abetting' war criminals, mugging, anti social behaviour, and 'glorifying terrorism' are being considered.

Meanwhile in a ground breaking historical first, police officers from Scotland Yard may interview the British Prime Minister 'under caution' over his involvement in a massive protection racket being run in the House of Lords.
There have been complains that 'enforcers' working for Blair, the 'godfather of white coller crime in Britain', have been targeting old millionaries and billionares by threatening to take away their chance of a place to sit in the House of Lords if they do not hand over millions in cash.
"This is a cowardly crime in which paid thugs target old people who only want to be able to sit down" said a police spokesperson.
• The 'Westminster Three' campaign has been launched by a number of top bankers to fight the extradition of Tony Blair, Margaret Beckett and John Prescott to Palestine, where they could spend up to 30 years living under Israeli oppression.
• Child killers - 45% of the deaths in Lebanon are children.
beirut - israel - lebanon - hezbollah - palestine - tony blair
Friday, July 21, 2006
israel: the neighbours from hell

For ages it had been a very nice and peaceful area - so nice in fact that we called it the Holy Land.
Then the 'neighbours from hell' arrived, and ever since it has gone from bad to worse - and then from worse to Israel.
We tried to be friendly, but they were unpleasent, rude and selfish from the start, and it soon became apparent that they were also very violent and dangerous people.
We should have been alerted when the 'social workers' kept going on about how we should be nice to the new neighbours because they had been through a hard time and deserved a break.
They did not warn us that the new neighbours were a problem family that had been evicted from their previous home, and the one before that and the one before that.
The social workers did not tell us that our new neighbours were racists. Later we found out they even supported the Apartheid government in South Africa.
Nor were we warned that the new neighbours were religious crack pots who believed they, and they alone, were the chosen ones.
The authorities failed to tell us that our new neighbours were murders and killers and thieves.
We were not told that our new neigbours were child killers who would kill our children - and our childrens children.
God knows how many times we have had to call the police - but it seems they have been paid off, because instead of arresting the people next door causing all the trouble - they come for us.
These neighbours from hell have even taken half of our gardens and built a huge fence to stop us using the park - and still the council does nothing!
However now they have gone too far - they are trying to evict the Lebanese family on the other side and take over their house! They have been using what can only be described as terrorist tactics - the kids are terrified.
You'd have thought the police would finally do something - but instead the chief of police has said the trouble was started by us!
Still there is one good thing that could come out of this. After years of infighting it looks like the local Neighbourhood Watch is finally going to get it's act together.
They are going to teach the neighbours from hell a lesson - and send them back to hell where they came from.
Saturday July 22: International Day of Action Against Israeli Aggression
UK: London; Whitehall Place, SW1, 12 Noon. (Nearest tube: Embankment. Please note there are some tube restrictions this weekend.) Route: Whitehall Place, Trafalgar Square, Pall Mall, Piccadilly, Berkeley Street, Grosvenor Square (by US Embassy), Park Lane, Hyde Park.
+ Emergency Demonstrations round the country: Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Kirkcaldy, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Sheffield, York.
beirut - israel - lebanon - hezbollah - palestine
Thursday, July 20, 2006
israeli killer youth kids: war criminals

People who can allow their children to behave like this are simply contemptable.
Current Lebanese crisis score: Hezbollah bad - Israel worse.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Israel: murderous machine

It is hard to think who is the most nasty naughty kid in the 'playground' - Israel or Hezbollah. They are both behaving like horrible little brats, but the biggest bully is obviously Israel. Forget all that politically correct 'hippy parenting' stuff: what they both need is being grabed by the ears, having their heads banged together, and being sent to their bedrooms to cool off (and no Telly). What outrageous behaviour!
Then they need to go to some conflict resolution classes for 'problem children' (spoiled brats). The really worrying one is Israel; obviously mentally disturbed and may need to be sent to a special school for a while. Hezbollah will also need therapy after suffering years of bullying and abuse.
As for the parents (USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA, SYRIA & IRAN)? They are the real ones to blame - some people just should not have kids!
beirut - israel - lebanon - hezbollah
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Boycott Israel: terror state must be stopped

Britain has been supplying the terrorists in Israel with arms worth £23 million a year. The death supplies are being used to commit assassinations and bomb outrages targeting civilians, which have killed hundreds of people.
Security experts say that these weapons, in the hands of the Israeli killers, have probably caused the same amount of death and carnage as the '7/7' London bombings - times one hundred at least.
They also say the evil arms trade from Britain could encourage further attacks on London if the murder supplies for the Israeli terror network continue.

• The 'Boycott Israel Campaign' has a full list of companies trading with the Israeli terrorists.
• Sixty seven British universities and colleges have investments in the arms trade according to the Campaign Against the Arms Trade.
Israel - Palestine
afganistan: british hooligans run amock - 200 dead
British hooligans, known throughout the world for their mindless violence and heavy drinking, have hit a new low - they have trashed a town in Afganistan and could have killed up to 200 people.
Not suprisingly the hooligans are now being attacked by local residents who are understandably outraged and furious. They want the 'lowlife scum' to cut short their visit and go back to Britain.
The hooligans, who disgrace the image of Britain by their disgusting and inexcusable behaviour, deny they have hurt anyone - although they admit destroying a school building!
The pathetic morons say they were being attacked by local residents - and we can only imagin why!
These evil child killers make good people ashamed to be British.
Believe It Or Not: American hooligans who have destroyed hundreds of homes in Afganistan in decadent binge bombing sessions, which can last over a week at a time, have come up with a typical 'coke culture' plan to make amends - rebuild the homes using polystyrene! The 'Yank Trash Culture' bullies plan to rebuild Kabul as a plastic version of 'New Orleans' - and then export homeless New Orlean drug addicts to work for 'War Lords' (the Afgan 'Walmarts') harvesting the opium crop.
Not suprisingly the hooligans are now being attacked by local residents who are understandably outraged and furious. They want the 'lowlife scum' to cut short their visit and go back to Britain.
The hooligans, who disgrace the image of Britain by their disgusting and inexcusable behaviour, deny they have hurt anyone - although they admit destroying a school building!
The pathetic morons say they were being attacked by local residents - and we can only imagin why!
These evil child killers make good people ashamed to be British.
Believe It Or Not: American hooligans who have destroyed hundreds of homes in Afganistan in decadent binge bombing sessions, which can last over a week at a time, have come up with a typical 'coke culture' plan to make amends - rebuild the homes using polystyrene! The 'Yank Trash Culture' bullies plan to rebuild Kabul as a plastic version of 'New Orleans' - and then export homeless New Orlean drug addicts to work for 'War Lords' (the Afgan 'Walmarts') harvesting the opium crop.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Terrorists bomb Beirut Airport & 'Road to Damascus'
Beirut Airport and several residential areas in the Lebanese capital have been attacked by terrorist bombers. Many civilians have been killed.
Anti terror police believe the coordinated attacks bear all the hallmarks of funtamentalist terrorists belonging to the extreme 'Zionist' sect, which operates out of Israel.
It is believed the Zionists are part of a worldwide terrorist network known as the 'United States of America'.
The terrorists are also supported by arms dealers with links to what security experts call the 'world capital of terrorism' - Washington DC.
World leaders across the world have expressed their disgust at the latest terrorist outrage.
It is believed the killers are spurred on with 'teachings' broadcast on the extreme American television station 'Fox TV by the hardline terror leader George Bush, who has personally executed over 150 people.
The latest chilling statement broadcast by 'Fox TV' has been described as 'sick and evil'.
Meanwhile the Zionist terrorists have even attacked the Road to Damascus. Jesus Christ who is seen as a great prophet by both Muslims and Christians, appeared on the 'Road to Damascus' to Paul (or Saul as he was known before his conversion).
• Oil prices 'peaked' at $76 a barrel today as traders cashed in on the latest crisis (despite the fact that there is plenty of oil available).
Israel - Palestine
Anti terror police believe the coordinated attacks bear all the hallmarks of funtamentalist terrorists belonging to the extreme 'Zionist' sect, which operates out of Israel.
It is believed the Zionists are part of a worldwide terrorist network known as the 'United States of America'.
The terrorists are also supported by arms dealers with links to what security experts call the 'world capital of terrorism' - Washington DC.
World leaders across the world have expressed their disgust at the latest terrorist outrage.
It is believed the killers are spurred on with 'teachings' broadcast on the extreme American television station 'Fox TV by the hardline terror leader George Bush, who has personally executed over 150 people.
The latest chilling statement broadcast by 'Fox TV' has been described as 'sick and evil'.
Meanwhile the Zionist terrorists have even attacked the Road to Damascus. Jesus Christ who is seen as a great prophet by both Muslims and Christians, appeared on the 'Road to Damascus' to Paul (or Saul as he was known before his conversion).
• Oil prices 'peaked' at $76 a barrel today as traders cashed in on the latest crisis (despite the fact that there is plenty of oil available).
Israel - Palestine
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Urgent: stop Antony Aghayere being deported to Nigeria on a Virgin plane today
Today at least four people will be leaving Britain against their will and to the sorrow and anger of their families, friends and supporters.
The Nat West Three will be on a flight from Gatwick to Houston Texas in the full glare of publicity. Meanwhile the far less well known ANTONY AGHAYERE has a flight booked by the Home Office leaving Heathrow for Lagos, Nigeria (Virgin Atlantic Flight VS651 leaving at 22.00). He should not be on this flight! Below is a letter from him describing his plight.
Antony Osas Aghayere, Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre, Colnbrook By Pass, Harmondsworth, West Drayton, UB7 0FX. Port Ref : MKE / 1017651
Hello Everyone,
My name is Antony Osas Aghayere. I was born on the 17/08/70 in Nigeria. I am a detainee at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre.
I have been detained since the 11th of March 06. I entered the country with a forged passport on the 4/01/96, because my life was in danger in Nigeria.
I lost my family in 1995. They were physically assaulted and blown up inside their car (my dad, mum, four sisters and my little brother) and my family home was burnt down, because my dad was in the military and working undercover for the cause of the Ogoni people, about the oil crisis and treatment of the Ogoni people.
My dad was secretly working for Ken Saro Wiwa, who was the head of their organisation, before his untimely death. I was the only member of my family who survived, and before my escape, i was physically and sexually abused by the people who killed my family.
The reason, i am writing this letter is to ask for your support and bring my situation to your attention, because i am been deported back to the country who killed my family and almost destroyed my life, on the 13th of July. I am the only surviving member of my family, i have been through dehumanizing situations, been robbed of my freedom. Nigeria is purely an authoritarian country that tolerates no independence or individuality.
I was supposed to be in court on the 27th of April 06 for my human rights and bail hearing, but the immigration service refused to take me to court, and the hearing went ahead in my absence. No explanation was ever given to me for this. All they said was that my name "was not on the computer"! I can only assume that it was bad administration that led to me missing my hearing. The judge refused my case, and i had no opportunity to present my new evidence.
Since i have been in this country, i have had no criminal convictions and i have never claimed any state benefits. I have worked as a door supervisor in clubs in Central London to make ends meet, i have always obeyed the laws of the land. I am a christian and i have been in a long stable relationship for six years.
Your help will be greatly appreciated, because you will be saving my life, because upon my return to Nigeria, i will be tortured and eventually killed. I was about to go back to college and continue the IT course i was doing, when all this happened.
Please save me from this unwarranted death sentence. All the members of my extended family all live and work in the UK, because they were born here, i have no one over in Nigeria.
Please fax ...
Minister of State, Home Office, Liam Byrne, fax: 020 7219 2417.
Steve Ridgway, Chief Executive, Virgin Air, fax: 01293 444 124.
More details, back ground information, and sample protest letters
• 10 prisoners awaiting deportation on hunger strike.
The Nat West Three will be on a flight from Gatwick to Houston Texas in the full glare of publicity. Meanwhile the far less well known ANTONY AGHAYERE has a flight booked by the Home Office leaving Heathrow for Lagos, Nigeria (Virgin Atlantic Flight VS651 leaving at 22.00). He should not be on this flight! Below is a letter from him describing his plight.
Antony Osas Aghayere, Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre, Colnbrook By Pass, Harmondsworth, West Drayton, UB7 0FX. Port Ref : MKE / 1017651
Hello Everyone,
My name is Antony Osas Aghayere. I was born on the 17/08/70 in Nigeria. I am a detainee at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre.
I have been detained since the 11th of March 06. I entered the country with a forged passport on the 4/01/96, because my life was in danger in Nigeria.
I lost my family in 1995. They were physically assaulted and blown up inside their car (my dad, mum, four sisters and my little brother) and my family home was burnt down, because my dad was in the military and working undercover for the cause of the Ogoni people, about the oil crisis and treatment of the Ogoni people.
My dad was secretly working for Ken Saro Wiwa, who was the head of their organisation, before his untimely death. I was the only member of my family who survived, and before my escape, i was physically and sexually abused by the people who killed my family.
The reason, i am writing this letter is to ask for your support and bring my situation to your attention, because i am been deported back to the country who killed my family and almost destroyed my life, on the 13th of July. I am the only surviving member of my family, i have been through dehumanizing situations, been robbed of my freedom. Nigeria is purely an authoritarian country that tolerates no independence or individuality.
I was supposed to be in court on the 27th of April 06 for my human rights and bail hearing, but the immigration service refused to take me to court, and the hearing went ahead in my absence. No explanation was ever given to me for this. All they said was that my name "was not on the computer"! I can only assume that it was bad administration that led to me missing my hearing. The judge refused my case, and i had no opportunity to present my new evidence.
Since i have been in this country, i have had no criminal convictions and i have never claimed any state benefits. I have worked as a door supervisor in clubs in Central London to make ends meet, i have always obeyed the laws of the land. I am a christian and i have been in a long stable relationship for six years.
Your help will be greatly appreciated, because you will be saving my life, because upon my return to Nigeria, i will be tortured and eventually killed. I was about to go back to college and continue the IT course i was doing, when all this happened.
Please save me from this unwarranted death sentence. All the members of my extended family all live and work in the UK, because they were born here, i have no one over in Nigeria.
Please fax ...
Minister of State, Home Office, Liam Byrne, fax: 020 7219 2417.
Steve Ridgway, Chief Executive, Virgin Air, fax: 01293 444 124.
More details, back ground information, and sample protest letters
• 10 prisoners awaiting deportation on hunger strike.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
stupid: israel invades lebanon
Israel is now being stupidly drawn into fighting on two fronts after it invaded southern Lebanon today, bringing 'Armageddon' one step closer.
The foolhardy Israeli invasion is in stupid responce to the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah. Israel is now calling up 6000 reservists in preperation for further stupid action.
There is now "heavy stupid fighting" going on in Southern Lebanon - and Israel has already suffered stupid casulties including the loss of a stupid tank and at least three stupid deaths.
Hezbollah has declared that their stupid capture of the Israeli soldiers is in direct suppport of the Palestinian people who are being stupidly held in massively stupid consentration camps called the 'Gasza Strip' and the 'West Bank'.
• The BBC are reporting that 18 Palestinians were stupidly killed by the stupid Israeli military today.
Israel - Palestine
The foolhardy Israeli invasion is in stupid responce to the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah. Israel is now calling up 6000 reservists in preperation for further stupid action.
There is now "heavy stupid fighting" going on in Southern Lebanon - and Israel has already suffered stupid casulties including the loss of a stupid tank and at least three stupid deaths.
Hezbollah has declared that their stupid capture of the Israeli soldiers is in direct suppport of the Palestinian people who are being stupidly held in massively stupid consentration camps called the 'Gasza Strip' and the 'West Bank'.
• The BBC are reporting that 18 Palestinians were stupidly killed by the stupid Israeli military today.
Israel - Palestine
Honours for cash crisis: police arrest closest Blair associate
Lord Levy, Tony Blair's closest associate and tennis chum was in police custody today, suspected of selling seats in the House of Lords (possibly on Ebay?).
The BBC is describing this as a "political bombshell."
"There could not be anyone on earth closer to Tony Blair than Lord Levy"
It is a major blow to Blair as the police net closes in around Number 10.
Lord Levy was a top fund raiser for the Labour Party before the election. If he is charged it will be very difficult for Tony Blair to avoid being dragged into the case - and even into jail!
What ever happens this is a disaster for Blair - but it could also be the end.
Tony Blair could be the best Prime Minister Britain has ever had - arrested.
• There is only one defence now for Lord Levy - he should claim it is all a big mistake; he was selling seats for 'Lords Cricket Ground' not the 'House of Lords'.
• Lord Levy has just been released on bail "pending police enquiries", and has issued a statement saying he is innocent of any wrong doing, and does not expect to be charged by the police (usually there is no charge for staying in a prison cell).
schmoo on the run is ready to help in any way.
The BBC is describing this as a "political bombshell."
"There could not be anyone on earth closer to Tony Blair than Lord Levy"
It is a major blow to Blair as the police net closes in around Number 10.
Lord Levy was a top fund raiser for the Labour Party before the election. If he is charged it will be very difficult for Tony Blair to avoid being dragged into the case - and even into jail!
What ever happens this is a disaster for Blair - but it could also be the end.
Tony Blair could be the best Prime Minister Britain has ever had - arrested.
• There is only one defence now for Lord Levy - he should claim it is all a big mistake; he was selling seats for 'Lords Cricket Ground' not the 'House of Lords'.
• Lord Levy has just been released on bail "pending police enquiries", and has issued a statement saying he is innocent of any wrong doing, and does not expect to be charged by the police (usually there is no charge for staying in a prison cell).
schmoo on the run is ready to help in any way.
nat west three: witness found dead
It has just emerged that Neil Coulbeck, a top banker with the Royal Bank of Scotland, and an important witness in the Nat West Three case, was tragically found dead on Tuesday near his London home.
He mysteriously dissappeared from his home last Thursday - not long after being visted by agents of the FBI.
His body was found in parkland between a golf course and a wood near his home on Tuesday.
The official story is that he took his own life, but now there could be calls for the extradition of the FBI agents to Britain - for murder.
However under the unfair extradition treaty agreed by the disgraced Home Secretary David Blunkett, Britain has even less chance of extraditing the FBI agents than winning the world cup.
• The FBI is similar to the KGB/Gestapo.
He mysteriously dissappeared from his home last Thursday - not long after being visted by agents of the FBI.
His body was found in parkland between a golf course and a wood near his home on Tuesday.
The official story is that he took his own life, but now there could be calls for the extradition of the FBI agents to Britain - for murder.
However under the unfair extradition treaty agreed by the disgraced Home Secretary David Blunkett, Britain has even less chance of extraditing the FBI agents than winning the world cup.
• The FBI is similar to the KGB/Gestapo.
nat west three: last day of freedom in britain

Meanwhile the political fall out for the collaborators in the Home Office is gaining momentum.
Yesterday the brave Lords voted to end the 'Kidnappers Charter' with the Nazi hostage takers in America. Although too late to save the Nat West Three, this may help Gary McKinnon, and other British citizens being threatened with unhuman sentences (up to 70 years in Gary McKinnons case).
Today MP's are forcing an emergency debate which will further embarrass the traitors in the 'corridors of weakness', who are ready to hand British citizens over without even being provided with any evidence.
Where is our Queen? Where is our Prime Minister? Where are our Generals? Have they all been abducted by the United States of Aliens (USA)?
• Another top british buisnessman due to be abducted by the Americans is Ian Norris.
More soon
gary mckinnon - enron
7/11 Mumbai bombing: what is it about the number eleven?
The awful and evil attacks in Mumbai repeat an errie pattern linked with '9/11' and Al Quiada terrorist attacks worldwide, which involves the number 11.
A Coincidence or what?
1. New York City has 11 letters.
2. Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3. Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993 has 11 1etters).
4. George W. Bush has 11 letters.
5. Zacarias Moussaoui's mother's name 'Aisha el-Wafi' has 11 letters.
This could be coincidence but:
1. New York is the 11th State of the Union.
2. The first plane crashing into the Twin Towers was Flight 11.
3. Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers , 9+2= 11.
4. The second 'plane, Flight 77 which hit the Twin Towers, was carrying 65 Passengers, 6+ 5 = 11.
5. The tragedy was on September 11th or 9/l1as it is now known, 9+1 + I =11.
6. The date is equal to the American Emergency Services telephone number 911. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 !
Is this still coincidental?
1. The total number of victimes in all the hijacked planes was 254. 2 + 5 + 4=11.
2. September 1ith is the 254th day of the calendar year. 2+5+4 = 11 A.
3. The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004, 3+1+1+2+4=11.
4. The Madrid bombing occurred 911 days afler the Twin Towers incidenL
Still not convinced?
Open Microsoft Word and do this: Type in capitals Q33 NY This is the Flight number of the first plane to hit the Twin Towers. Highlight Q33 NY and change the font size to 72. Change font to Wingdings and see what happens.
Now things get really errie:
The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stares and Stripes is the eagle. The following verse is taken from the Koran, the Islamic Holy book: "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome eagle. The wrath of the eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the the wrath of the eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace"
The verse is number 9.11 of the Koran.
Mumbai - Mumbai
A Coincidence or what?
1. New York City has 11 letters.
2. Afghanistan has 11 letters.
3. Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993 has 11 1etters).
4. George W. Bush has 11 letters.
5. Zacarias Moussaoui's mother's name 'Aisha el-Wafi' has 11 letters.
This could be coincidence but:
1. New York is the 11th State of the Union.
2. The first plane crashing into the Twin Towers was Flight 11.
3. Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers , 9+2= 11.
4. The second 'plane, Flight 77 which hit the Twin Towers, was carrying 65 Passengers, 6+ 5 = 11.
5. The tragedy was on September 11th or 9/l1as it is now known, 9+1 + I =11.
6. The date is equal to the American Emergency Services telephone number 911. 9 + 1 + 1 = 11 !
Is this still coincidental?
1. The total number of victimes in all the hijacked planes was 254. 2 + 5 + 4=11.
2. September 1ith is the 254th day of the calendar year. 2+5+4 = 11 A.
3. The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004, 3+1+1+2+4=11.
4. The Madrid bombing occurred 911 days afler the Twin Towers incidenL
Still not convinced?
Open Microsoft Word and do this: Type in capitals Q33 NY This is the Flight number of the first plane to hit the Twin Towers. Highlight Q33 NY and change the font size to 72. Change font to Wingdings and see what happens.
Now things get really errie:
The most recognised symbol for the US, after the Stares and Stripes is the eagle. The following verse is taken from the Koran, the Islamic Holy book: "For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome eagle. The wrath of the eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced: for the the wrath of the eagle cleansed the lands of Allah and there was peace"
The verse is number 9.11 of the Koran.
Mumbai - Mumbai
syd barrett: goodbye you crazy brilliant acid head
Syd Barrett's departure to another dimension almost makes me want to take some acid - or perhaps some ibogaine (as used by the 'buiti' in Gabon to visit their ancestors). To their credit Pink Floyd were always loyal to his songs.
Pink Floyd - Syd Barrett.
Pink Floyd - Syd Barrett.
blair promises: nuclear accidents to go ahead
Tony Blair, the well known British 'dare devil', famous for his amazingly dangerous stunts, which include invading Iraq and sending troops to Afghanistan, has announced his most exciting project yet: risking nuclear accidents all over Britain.
In an upbeat interview for the BBC news program 'Doom-Night' Blair seemed relaxed as he described how he would create the possibility of major nuclear accidents all over Britain.
Tony Blair explained how he would improve the chances of a nuclear accident by ensuring that planning procedures would be 'fast tracked' to "smooth the way" for private companies to build the Nuclear Reactors required for the stunt.
The key to his success could be his plan to require the companies to build the Nuclear Reactors at their own financial risk. This will ensure they cut corners and costs at every opportunity - making a spectacular nuclear accident a virtual certainty!
nuclear power
In an upbeat interview for the BBC news program 'Doom-Night' Blair seemed relaxed as he described how he would create the possibility of major nuclear accidents all over Britain.
Tony Blair explained how he would improve the chances of a nuclear accident by ensuring that planning procedures would be 'fast tracked' to "smooth the way" for private companies to build the Nuclear Reactors required for the stunt.
The key to his success could be his plan to require the companies to build the Nuclear Reactors at their own financial risk. This will ensure they cut corners and costs at every opportunity - making a spectacular nuclear accident a virtual certainty!
nuclear power
identity crisis: ID card failure fear in soul search
Someone has leaked 'confessional' internal emails from 'Big Brother' minions in the Home Office which reveal their fears about the 'holy' plan to give every soul in Britain an ID Card.
The ID Card's 'killer application' is that it will prevent 'identity theft' - and guarantee access to Heaven.
Despite his fears of failure and certain death, the new 'Son of Big Brother', John Reid, is determined to press ahead with the "God's Work" (the New Labour manifesto promise to issue ID cards) - even though the 'Heaven' night club has been closed for years.
The problem is that issuing an ID card to a 'soul' has so far proved impossible. All the Home Office has managed is to take people's fingerprints and DNA samples, and do retina scans.
Not even the latest 'Big Brother' CCTV cameras have been capable of 'capturing' a single soul - only 'hoddies' and fare dodgers.
David Blunket who was once Home Sectretary (before being executed for sleeping with an American woman) told the BBC today (in an interview from the dead) that he still believes in the ID Card Theology. He said there is "Do doubt what so ever that they will happen" (when pigs fly and McDonalds goes Vegan).
However, it now emerges that the tendering process for finding a company to take the ID Card contract has been abandoned. Apparently the only company to put in a serious offer was the 'Jehovah Witnesses' (a multi national door-to-door sales corporation).
The Jehovah Witnesses claim that their customers, whose names are recorded by them on a massive database kept in a cave in America, will be 'saved' when Armageddon happens (which they say will occur before the next World Cup).
• Meanwhile Satanists are campaigning against the ID Card - by issuing free tickets to 'Hell', a trendy 'Goth' club.
id cards
The ID Card's 'killer application' is that it will prevent 'identity theft' - and guarantee access to Heaven.
Despite his fears of failure and certain death, the new 'Son of Big Brother', John Reid, is determined to press ahead with the "God's Work" (the New Labour manifesto promise to issue ID cards) - even though the 'Heaven' night club has been closed for years.
The problem is that issuing an ID card to a 'soul' has so far proved impossible. All the Home Office has managed is to take people's fingerprints and DNA samples, and do retina scans.
Not even the latest 'Big Brother' CCTV cameras have been capable of 'capturing' a single soul - only 'hoddies' and fare dodgers.
David Blunket who was once Home Sectretary (before being executed for sleeping with an American woman) told the BBC today (in an interview from the dead) that he still believes in the ID Card Theology. He said there is "Do doubt what so ever that they will happen" (when pigs fly and McDonalds goes Vegan).
However, it now emerges that the tendering process for finding a company to take the ID Card contract has been abandoned. Apparently the only company to put in a serious offer was the 'Jehovah Witnesses' (a multi national door-to-door sales corporation).
The Jehovah Witnesses claim that their customers, whose names are recorded by them on a massive database kept in a cave in America, will be 'saved' when Armageddon happens (which they say will occur before the next World Cup).
• Meanwhile Satanists are campaigning against the ID Card - by issuing free tickets to 'Hell', a trendy 'Goth' club.
id cards
Monday, July 10, 2006
nat west three: their flights are booked - but not on Virgin
The government is saying that the campaign to support the Nat West Three is motivated by "anti americanism" - for once they are 100% correct.
The Americans are world famous for their inhuman prison system, their terrible food, their mindless TV, and not being able to play football. It is obviously against the European Human Rights laws for anyone brought up on the BBC to be forced to go to America against their will.
Also, under the unfair, one sided extradition agreement that Britain signed with the US, there is no guarantee that the prisoners will be flown to the Evil Empire on a British Airline.
The final insult to our national sovereignty is that the Nat West Three will not even be allowed to fly with Virgin!
• Virgin does an excellent service to Houston, Texas, with a free 'hospitality' limo service to the prison of your choice.
gary mckinnon - enron
The Americans are world famous for their inhuman prison system, their terrible food, their mindless TV, and not being able to play football. It is obviously against the European Human Rights laws for anyone brought up on the BBC to be forced to go to America against their will.
Also, under the unfair, one sided extradition agreement that Britain signed with the US, there is no guarantee that the prisoners will be flown to the Evil Empire on a British Airline.
The final insult to our national sovereignty is that the Nat West Three will not even be allowed to fly with Virgin!
• Virgin does an excellent service to Houston, Texas, with a free 'hospitality' limo service to the prison of your choice.
gary mckinnon - enron
hoddies liberation: watch out, there is a tory about
Gang leader David Cameron, who runs the biggest criminal gang in Britain, known as the 'Tory Party', is getting so desperate for votes he is trying to appeal to his natural constituency, the mugger and shop lifter vote - by defending hoddie wearers.
On the schmoo turf we also like the hoddie, but only in winter when it is very useful for keeping warm. But what is Cameron doing defending the hoddie in the middle of summer? Is the Tory Party Gang planning a 'silly season' crime wave?
On the schmoo turf we also like the hoddie, but only in winter when it is very useful for keeping warm. But what is Cameron doing defending the hoddie in the middle of summer? Is the Tory Party Gang planning a 'silly season' crime wave?
Sunday, July 9, 2006
saved whale says "thanks" to rescuers

When the whale was released it accidentally knocked out two of it's rescuers with a flip of it's tail.
But now we have heard of an amazing rescue of a 50 ton Humpback whale (pictured above) - which thanked each of its rescuers after being freed by them.
The rescue happened just before last Christmas (Dec 2005), when a female Humback was tangled up and weighted down by hundreds of pounds of traps that caused her to struggle to stay afloat. She also had hundreds of yards of line rope wrapped around her body, her tail, her torso, and a line tugging in her mouth.
A fisherman spotted her just east of the Farralone Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, and radioed the 'Marine Mammal Center', an American environmental group, for help.
Within a few hours, the rescue team arrived and determined that she was so bad off, the only way to save her was to dive in and untangle her ... a very dangerous proposition.
One slap of the tail could kill a rescuer. They worked for hours with curved knives and eventually freed her.
When she was free, the divers say she swam in what seemed like joyous circles.
She then came back to each and every diver, one at a time, and nudged them, pushing them gently around - she thanked them.
Some said it was the most incredibly beautiful experience of their lives.
• San Francisco Chronicle report
• schmoo once rescued three rats stuck in a bin in Kings Cross by putting in a stick so they could climb out and escape. They ran into some nearby bushes - and then came back to say "thank you".
whales - ocean - environment
Saturday, July 8, 2006
nat west 3 extradition: tories freak - cameron could be next

The Tory 'spin scorpion' shadow 'Home Secretary' David Davis (pictured right) has been doing the media circus rounds today. He has been 'freaking' about the Americans kidnapping the 'Nat West Three' bankers - but he never mentioned Gary McKinnon once.
Presumably this is because Gary McKinnon is a normal innocent victim of injustice with no money, while the Nat West 3 are totally abnormal victims of injustice - being very rich, with even richer friends.
However, this is one very, very, rare occasion that schmoo can find common ground with Tory spives and fake DVD sellers like Davis and Cameron - we are all scared stiff about being extradited to the USA!
Blair and Minger should also be worried. Only recently DAVID HOROWITZ a leading American nutter was saying "Make no mistake about it, there is a war going on in this country. The aggressors in this war are Democrats, liberals and leftists."
With the Nazis in America saying Bush is "too Liberal" even the Queen is at risk.
gary mckinnon -
Friday, July 7, 2006
Free Gary McKinnon - what you can do now

gary mckinnon
7/7 bombings: london silence and defiance

It was a remarkablly emotional occasion with more than one person bursting into tears on the street, but there was also anger at the people who could do such a terrible crime against humanity.
Meanwhile the government has refused to have an independent public enquiry. This is a mistake - there are too many un answered questions regarding what went wrong on 7/7.
Why did the victims at Edgeware Road have to wait one hour before the emergency services got to them? This is just one vital question which deserves an answer, but there are many others.
Here at schmoo we find the conspiracy theories that say that "the Jews did it" to be obscene anti semitism worthy of the Nazis, not modern progressive people - but sadly they seem to be the view of many Independent readers! The idea that "Blair organised it" is also utterly ridiculous, hardly worthy of an answer - except that too many people are prepared to consider it might be possible. Sadly there are many cynical, gullible and frankly stupid people all too ready to add such ideas to their paranoid world-view. This is why a public enquiry so necessary - it should be paid for by the Department of Education.
Only an independent public enquiry will draw a line on these conspiracy theories.
But even more important are the many victims of the 7.7 bombings who survived (often with terrible injuries). Many of them feel that the emergency services were sadly deficient on the day, and if anyone deserves an enquiry they do. Everyone in London deserves an enquiry; we are told another attack is likely, we need to be sure we are much better prepared - our lives depend on it.
There are also big question marks over why the security services failed to stop the bombers.
Meanwhile the 'video message from hell' by one of the bombers released in the Middle East only serves to strengthen the view that terrorism is the sanction of twisted fools and patsies - but we need to address the valid issues that create the people who are so full of hate.
Cannabis Crisis: 'Hemp Expo' in Coventry Cancelled

schmoo has just heard that the massive 'Hemp & Hydro Expo (2006)' organised by the cannabis magazine 'Weed World' at the newly opened Ricoh Arena (pictured above) in Coventry, has been banned by the directors of 'Arena Coventry Limited' (very limited it seems).
Weed World says:
"Despite having complete access to the exhibitors list from the offset, the board of the arena have chosen this; the last minute, to notify us. The reason we have been given by the board for cancelling the show, lies within certain recent media coverage within the UK and their connection with certain exhibitors. Their reasons: Unhappy with certain exhibitors and their products. The local Constabulary were contacted by Ricoh for their advice - the Police had no concerns with the event going ahead - as long as it were managed correctly. The decision to cancel the event was taken solely by the Directors of the Board, and not Ricoh staff.
Weed World, deeply regret this u turn in policy and will be refunding in full, anyone who has a stand booked. Ricoh Arena have promised to refund all exhibitors who have booked a hotel room at the arena. We are deeply concerned for exhibitors and stall holders alike; an awful lot of work has gone into the preparation and promotion of this event. Unfortunately, as with all events of this ilk - Directors have the last say, we have tried contesting this decision - sadly to no avail."
People from all over the world were expected, including several bands from the USA which were to take part in the 'Global Marijuana Music Awards'.
'Weed World' is desperately contacting people from as far away as Japan telling them to cancell their flights. Please only phone their office if absolutely necessary.
Last year over 12,000 people attended the event which was held in Wembley, London.
'Weed World' says all stall holders will receive a refund for stalls, and they are also trying to get compensation for those who have arranged shipments to the UK from abroad.
They are now working to rearrange the event, but it looks like that will not be until next year due to the logistics of organising what was a popular, as well as very professionally run event.
• The Ricoh Arena is run and managed by 'Arena Coventry Ltd', a 'joint venture' company consisting of 'Coventry City Council' (currently controlled by the Tories) and the 'Alan Higgs Charity'.
• Coventry Council tax payers learnt recently that they would have to pay an extra 2.9 million for the £113 million Ricoh Arena which was to have been the venue for the Hemp Expo.
• Local MP is Geoffrey Robinson, known as the 'ultimate champagne socialist'. In 2002 he was arrested for speeding, and detained for suspected possession of cocaine, but no evidence was found to link the discovery to him. Robinson has had a long association with Coventry City Football Club, whose home ground has been the Richo Arena since August 2005.
cannabis - marijuana - weed - pot - drugs
Thursday, July 6, 2006
world war cup: england supports france after portugal cannabis link ruled out

world cup - cannabis
john prescott: he could be doomed after all as gays go in for the kill
The government may have banned fox hunting - but in a technical mistake they forgot to include 'Prescott Hunting' which is becoming the most popular national sport in Britain after 'England' failed in their attempt to win the World War Cup.
It has emerged that Mr Anschutz the American billionaire owner of the London 'Dome' who is at the centre of the latest attacks on Prescott, is a supporter of a rabid anti gay organisation called 'Colorado for Family Values' who believe it is possible to 'cure' homosexuality.
Leaping on this information, the gay movement, lead by the leader of the 'Homophobic Hunt' Peter Thatchell has joined the national 'hue and cry' lynch mob hunt for Prescott.
Ironically they are 'riding with' the Daily Mail, the Conservative Party and just about every bigot in Britain - most of whom really are homophobic, unlike Prescott.
So now Prescott is being attacked 'by association' for being anti gay just because he has to do buisness with this American bigot in his role as Deputy Prime Minister.
Prescott's only chance now may be if the anti animal hunting people come to his rescue.
john prescott
The government may have banned fox hunting - but in a technical mistake they forgot to include 'Prescott Hunting' which is becoming the most popular national sport in Britain after 'England' failed in their attempt to win the World War Cup.
It has emerged that Mr Anschutz the American billionaire owner of the London 'Dome' who is at the centre of the latest attacks on Prescott, is a supporter of a rabid anti gay organisation called 'Colorado for Family Values' who believe it is possible to 'cure' homosexuality.
Leaping on this information, the gay movement, lead by the leader of the 'Homophobic Hunt' Peter Thatchell has joined the national 'hue and cry' lynch mob hunt for Prescott.
Ironically they are 'riding with' the Daily Mail, the Conservative Party and just about every bigot in Britain - most of whom really are homophobic, unlike Prescott.
So now Prescott is being attacked 'by association' for being anti gay just because he has to do buisness with this American bigot in his role as Deputy Prime Minister.
Prescott's only chance now may be if the anti animal hunting people come to his rescue.
john prescott
Nat West 3: Blair To Help After 'Suits' March on Home Office

Nat West Witness found dead after interview by FBI
Even the Queen is at risk.
More - enron
john prescott: five (5) reasons he should stay
Five reasons John Prescott should stay:
1. John Prescott is not David Davis - the kind of collaborator Hitler would have had ruling Britain if he had won the war.
2. John Prescott is not Clare Short - the Tory's best hope for winning the next election.
3. John Prescott is not a minging Liberal - the Tory's second best hope for winning the next election.
4. John Prescott is not a 'Green Party' idiot - the Tory's third best hope for winning the next election (and an environmental disaster).
5. John Prescott does not work for Associated News Papers, the Daily Mail or the Independent - the Tory's fourth, fifth and sixth best hope for winning the next election.
john prescott
1. John Prescott is not David Davis - the kind of collaborator Hitler would have had ruling Britain if he had won the war.
2. John Prescott is not Clare Short - the Tory's best hope for winning the next election.
3. John Prescott is not a minging Liberal - the Tory's second best hope for winning the next election.
4. John Prescott is not a 'Green Party' idiot - the Tory's third best hope for winning the next election (and an environmental disaster).
5. John Prescott does not work for Associated News Papers, the Daily Mail or the Independent - the Tory's fourth, fifth and sixth best hope for winning the next election.
john prescott
7/7 bombings: the art of making a crafty argument sound authoritative
by Kenyon Gibson
Since 9/11 there has been much debate about the government version of the story. Since some of the points do not make any sense, and since a number of witnesses, engineers and scientists are questioning the story as a fraud, there is a growing movement of researchers who would like to see an investigation based on the facts, and not an ‘official’ cover version.
The press for some reason accepted the official version from the start, although to be fair, there was a tidal wave of reports emanating from the Pentagon, the White House, the CIA and other sources, thus flooding the papers with the story as told by the powers that be. As time went on, it became obvious that there was more to the story, and websites around the world gave information that the mainstream press did not.
When the discrepancy between the facts and the official story became a wide chasm, there were questions as to how the major press could ignore the facts.
Rather than just ignoring the evidence which has been coming to light, some papers have printed diatribes against anyone questioning the official story.
At times these are blatant put-downs, such as Marina Hyde’s piece in the Guardian which slagged off Charlie Sheen, the American actor, for taking the government to task. When I called Ms. Hyde and asked her what she thought of William Rodriguez, the heroic caretaker of the North Tower who won a Congressional Medal of Honour, she admitted she had no clue.
An earlier conversation with her colleague, Polly Toynbee, also included a question about Rodriguez; Toynbee had similarly never heard of him, and only conjectured that he, a caretaker, would not know what an explosion sounded like. She did at least reply to an e-mail, telling me that the most obvious explanation is sometimes the way it is. Her article had demanded that conspiracy theorists, including those who questioned Shakespeare’s authorship, be given a “firm rebuttal.”
Neither woman seemed to know much about the subject, but both were willing to put down people who had reasons to believe that the US government was lying. In each case, I was not the only person to respond to them, Hyde in fact wrote a follow-up article a week later in which she quoted former MI5 agent David Shayler. In it, the respondents were painted by her brush as somewhat idiotic; there was no mention of the conversation she had had with me, nor any mention of Rodriguez, who she could have learned about easily on a google search.
These two examples are typical of those who bash research with opinion. Most likely, neither convinced the public that all conspiracy theorists wore tin-hats and needed rebuttal.
In the Guardian, yet another writer threw his hat into the ring with a discussion of conspiracy theory, this one focused on 7/7 research. Written, paradoxically, by Mark Honigsbaum, who initially reported that witnesses to the London tube blasts had told him about covers on the floor flying up, and reported this in terms of bombs going off from under the carriages, it attempts to change his stance and discredit these first impressions. It also paints researchers in a bad light, but, contrary to the Toynbee and Hyde pieces, it is subtle in tone.
In fact, I would use it as a template to show how to cleverly smear a campaign. Several examples of his writing strike me as especially crafty, though not altogether original in the field of disinformation.
The first is one that is used much by his brethren in the trade, and that is to raise some totally ridiculous point and then present it to the public as one of the main arguments used by researchers. The “Elvis is alive and working for the CIA” type of line, perhaps followed by “ the Queen turns into a lizard and sells drugs on the streets” type of line sets the tone for the reader; ah-ha, the conspiracy theorists are a real bunch of idiots, good job our roving journalist got there and found them out. While Honigsbaum does not quite use such outlandish claims, he does start off with one that does sound a bit outlandish, that being a question about how gloves and a mask were so quickly acquired; for many, this is the first time we have ever heard that this was in question, and as Honigsbaum does not give his source, we have no idea where he got that one. This sleight of hand is quick and easy, it does fool some amount of the public. Since it performs another trick, that of making one feel superior, putting the reader on a platform along with the writer, raised high above the heads of some far-out fantasists, it has its audience. The real evidence is ignored, and some made up nonsense or flawed argument put forward to be used as a matador uses the cape, letting the reader charge some illusion and miss the body of evidence.
Another way to play the bull for a fool is to throw some genuinely erroneous work in with the target of one’s argument, even when the erroneous work is that of someone not quite related to the real subject.
Honigsbaum leaps on the alleged mistakes in the book 'The One Percent Doctrine', by Ron Suskind of the 'New York Times'. As the FBI has already taken Suskind to task over what may be some very sloppy writing, Honigsbaum may well be correct to point out the errors, but in the context of an article about a movement that challenges the official government story, Suskind’s writing is off the mark. In fact, it is already part of our body of research to note the fact that his work may be yet another piece of hype rushed into print without fact checking by a reporter at a large national paper that refuses to recognise much of the evidence. Throwing his name into the piece is tantamount to scoring an own goal, but for those who do not know what game is being played here, they might well mistake the attack on Suskind as a real point against the movement to have a real investigation into 7/7 as an inside job.
While it is easy to argue against Suskind, it is even easier to argue against a caricatured opponent, shadow-boxing away with no live person to set you straight on the jaw. Little wonder that many of these journalists will not pick up their phone (Honigsbaum could not be reached yesterday when I called the Guardian) or answer an e-mail. Past attempts to engage him were ignored as well. It is no surprise to find that those who are attacking the movement have not read any of the scholarly books on the subject, and do not mention in their tirades the fact that there is such literature.
To the shadow-boxer and his audience, the image of a dodgy opponent can pass for the real thing, and second-rate journalists use this quite often, saving themselves the time and trouble of really getting the facts and talking to the people who are willing to debate fairly.
Halfway into his dissertation, there is a very good example of another twist of the cape, when it is stated:
"At first glance this appears to be an objective guide to everything that happened on 7/7 and afterwards. But click a little deeper and it soon becomes apparent that the campaign, with its linked people’s inquiry forum and petition calling for the release of “all the evidence” about 7/7, considers the Official Home office account, in which the blame is laid squarely on the four suicide bombers pictured entering Luton station, to be just a “story”.
His attitude comes off as “I’d like to believe this, but watch the flaw.” What flaw? The fact that they disagree with the Home Office, or the analysis of the story, which questions why there is only one image from all the CCTV cameras (which never seem to work on emergencies, such as the Israeli Embassy bombing, the Pentagon, the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting, or 7/7) and why this one shot appears to be doctored? Yes, click a little deeper, please do.
Honigsbaum then brings into this story the testimony of Rachel North, who was a victim of 7/7. If an argument does not stand intellectual scrutiny, then there is the trick of getting ‘jury sympathy’. However, in North’s case, sympathy does not last long. She was hardly injured for one thing, and for another, North is not even her real name. When she does show up, uninvited to 7/7 research discussions, she tries to dismiss major points in the story, such as the Peter Powers’ interview on BBC 5 in which he clearly stated that there were terror drills planned at precisely the locations at which the bombs blew up. Even when we played for her the recording of that interview, she continued to argue, going so far as to claim that Powers was making it up.
This interview was mentioned in Honigsbaum’s feature, but glossed over, alluding to it only as “the claim that on the morning of 7/7 a former Scotland Yard anti-terrorism branch official had been staging a training exercise based on bombs going off simultaneously at precisely the stations that had been targeted.”
Indeed it was claimed, and anyone sensible would like to know why 9/11 and 7/7 have such eerie coincidences. Honigsbaum, however, moves breezily along as if we do not need to know more; it has been covered, let’s forget it.
Part of the effect of doing an article on a story is that in the public mind, there is closure, so anyone not satisfied ought to shut up. A large article with some dramatic pictures is a lot easier to digest than an lengthy examination of evidence, and in such an article the trick of selectively examining a few pieces of inconclusive evidence is easy to pull off. In this particular article there is no mention of many issues, such as; the timing of the event, right on cue for George Bush; the strange appearance of Rudolf Giuliani outside one of the tube stations, mimicking his appearance outside the World Trade Centre on 9/11; Mossad’s warnings on 7/7; and the arrest of Mossad agents on 9/11 with explosives in their vans in New Jersey.
Bruce Lait’s testimony about a bomb underneath the carriage is mentioned but so peripherally as to be dismissive, and a number of lines of questioning are put down by Honigsbaum as bizarre, an opinion the reader is meant to trust without any real discussion.
Honigsbaum even goes so far as to dismiss his own work, the report phoned in at around 11 am on the morning of the attacks, in which he was the first, but not the last, to mention bombs underneath the carriages. He calls his first report flawed, without producing any retraction from the witnesses, and talks about later witnesses who told him otherwise, but gives no names. One is taking his word and his opinion for quite a lot here, especially for someone whose thesis is that his own work is flawed.
Doubtless, this article will explain away every anomaly to some, but some of us have done far more real research than the likes of Honigsbaum.
We prefer to use straight-forward means, and will come to a conclusion based on facts, not on emotion, opinion and retraction.
• Kenyon Gibson is the author of 'Hemp for Victory', and 'Common Sense: A Study of the Bushes, the CIA and the Suspicions Regarding 9/11'.
Since 9/11 there has been much debate about the government version of the story. Since some of the points do not make any sense, and since a number of witnesses, engineers and scientists are questioning the story as a fraud, there is a growing movement of researchers who would like to see an investigation based on the facts, and not an ‘official’ cover version.
The press for some reason accepted the official version from the start, although to be fair, there was a tidal wave of reports emanating from the Pentagon, the White House, the CIA and other sources, thus flooding the papers with the story as told by the powers that be. As time went on, it became obvious that there was more to the story, and websites around the world gave information that the mainstream press did not.
When the discrepancy between the facts and the official story became a wide chasm, there were questions as to how the major press could ignore the facts.
Rather than just ignoring the evidence which has been coming to light, some papers have printed diatribes against anyone questioning the official story.
At times these are blatant put-downs, such as Marina Hyde’s piece in the Guardian which slagged off Charlie Sheen, the American actor, for taking the government to task. When I called Ms. Hyde and asked her what she thought of William Rodriguez, the heroic caretaker of the North Tower who won a Congressional Medal of Honour, she admitted she had no clue.
An earlier conversation with her colleague, Polly Toynbee, also included a question about Rodriguez; Toynbee had similarly never heard of him, and only conjectured that he, a caretaker, would not know what an explosion sounded like. She did at least reply to an e-mail, telling me that the most obvious explanation is sometimes the way it is. Her article had demanded that conspiracy theorists, including those who questioned Shakespeare’s authorship, be given a “firm rebuttal.”
Neither woman seemed to know much about the subject, but both were willing to put down people who had reasons to believe that the US government was lying. In each case, I was not the only person to respond to them, Hyde in fact wrote a follow-up article a week later in which she quoted former MI5 agent David Shayler. In it, the respondents were painted by her brush as somewhat idiotic; there was no mention of the conversation she had had with me, nor any mention of Rodriguez, who she could have learned about easily on a google search.
These two examples are typical of those who bash research with opinion. Most likely, neither convinced the public that all conspiracy theorists wore tin-hats and needed rebuttal.
In the Guardian, yet another writer threw his hat into the ring with a discussion of conspiracy theory, this one focused on 7/7 research. Written, paradoxically, by Mark Honigsbaum, who initially reported that witnesses to the London tube blasts had told him about covers on the floor flying up, and reported this in terms of bombs going off from under the carriages, it attempts to change his stance and discredit these first impressions. It also paints researchers in a bad light, but, contrary to the Toynbee and Hyde pieces, it is subtle in tone.
In fact, I would use it as a template to show how to cleverly smear a campaign. Several examples of his writing strike me as especially crafty, though not altogether original in the field of disinformation.
The first is one that is used much by his brethren in the trade, and that is to raise some totally ridiculous point and then present it to the public as one of the main arguments used by researchers. The “Elvis is alive and working for the CIA” type of line, perhaps followed by “ the Queen turns into a lizard and sells drugs on the streets” type of line sets the tone for the reader; ah-ha, the conspiracy theorists are a real bunch of idiots, good job our roving journalist got there and found them out. While Honigsbaum does not quite use such outlandish claims, he does start off with one that does sound a bit outlandish, that being a question about how gloves and a mask were so quickly acquired; for many, this is the first time we have ever heard that this was in question, and as Honigsbaum does not give his source, we have no idea where he got that one. This sleight of hand is quick and easy, it does fool some amount of the public. Since it performs another trick, that of making one feel superior, putting the reader on a platform along with the writer, raised high above the heads of some far-out fantasists, it has its audience. The real evidence is ignored, and some made up nonsense or flawed argument put forward to be used as a matador uses the cape, letting the reader charge some illusion and miss the body of evidence.
Another way to play the bull for a fool is to throw some genuinely erroneous work in with the target of one’s argument, even when the erroneous work is that of someone not quite related to the real subject.
Honigsbaum leaps on the alleged mistakes in the book 'The One Percent Doctrine', by Ron Suskind of the 'New York Times'. As the FBI has already taken Suskind to task over what may be some very sloppy writing, Honigsbaum may well be correct to point out the errors, but in the context of an article about a movement that challenges the official government story, Suskind’s writing is off the mark. In fact, it is already part of our body of research to note the fact that his work may be yet another piece of hype rushed into print without fact checking by a reporter at a large national paper that refuses to recognise much of the evidence. Throwing his name into the piece is tantamount to scoring an own goal, but for those who do not know what game is being played here, they might well mistake the attack on Suskind as a real point against the movement to have a real investigation into 7/7 as an inside job.
While it is easy to argue against Suskind, it is even easier to argue against a caricatured opponent, shadow-boxing away with no live person to set you straight on the jaw. Little wonder that many of these journalists will not pick up their phone (Honigsbaum could not be reached yesterday when I called the Guardian) or answer an e-mail. Past attempts to engage him were ignored as well. It is no surprise to find that those who are attacking the movement have not read any of the scholarly books on the subject, and do not mention in their tirades the fact that there is such literature.
To the shadow-boxer and his audience, the image of a dodgy opponent can pass for the real thing, and second-rate journalists use this quite often, saving themselves the time and trouble of really getting the facts and talking to the people who are willing to debate fairly.
Halfway into his dissertation, there is a very good example of another twist of the cape, when it is stated:
"At first glance this appears to be an objective guide to everything that happened on 7/7 and afterwards. But click a little deeper and it soon becomes apparent that the campaign, with its linked people’s inquiry forum and petition calling for the release of “all the evidence” about 7/7, considers the Official Home office account, in which the blame is laid squarely on the four suicide bombers pictured entering Luton station, to be just a “story”.
His attitude comes off as “I’d like to believe this, but watch the flaw.” What flaw? The fact that they disagree with the Home Office, or the analysis of the story, which questions why there is only one image from all the CCTV cameras (which never seem to work on emergencies, such as the Israeli Embassy bombing, the Pentagon, the Jean Charles de Menezes shooting, or 7/7) and why this one shot appears to be doctored? Yes, click a little deeper, please do.
Honigsbaum then brings into this story the testimony of Rachel North, who was a victim of 7/7. If an argument does not stand intellectual scrutiny, then there is the trick of getting ‘jury sympathy’. However, in North’s case, sympathy does not last long. She was hardly injured for one thing, and for another, North is not even her real name. When she does show up, uninvited to 7/7 research discussions, she tries to dismiss major points in the story, such as the Peter Powers’ interview on BBC 5 in which he clearly stated that there were terror drills planned at precisely the locations at which the bombs blew up. Even when we played for her the recording of that interview, she continued to argue, going so far as to claim that Powers was making it up.
This interview was mentioned in Honigsbaum’s feature, but glossed over, alluding to it only as “the claim that on the morning of 7/7 a former Scotland Yard anti-terrorism branch official had been staging a training exercise based on bombs going off simultaneously at precisely the stations that had been targeted.”
Indeed it was claimed, and anyone sensible would like to know why 9/11 and 7/7 have such eerie coincidences. Honigsbaum, however, moves breezily along as if we do not need to know more; it has been covered, let’s forget it.
Part of the effect of doing an article on a story is that in the public mind, there is closure, so anyone not satisfied ought to shut up. A large article with some dramatic pictures is a lot easier to digest than an lengthy examination of evidence, and in such an article the trick of selectively examining a few pieces of inconclusive evidence is easy to pull off. In this particular article there is no mention of many issues, such as; the timing of the event, right on cue for George Bush; the strange appearance of Rudolf Giuliani outside one of the tube stations, mimicking his appearance outside the World Trade Centre on 9/11; Mossad’s warnings on 7/7; and the arrest of Mossad agents on 9/11 with explosives in their vans in New Jersey.
Bruce Lait’s testimony about a bomb underneath the carriage is mentioned but so peripherally as to be dismissive, and a number of lines of questioning are put down by Honigsbaum as bizarre, an opinion the reader is meant to trust without any real discussion.
Honigsbaum even goes so far as to dismiss his own work, the report phoned in at around 11 am on the morning of the attacks, in which he was the first, but not the last, to mention bombs underneath the carriages. He calls his first report flawed, without producing any retraction from the witnesses, and talks about later witnesses who told him otherwise, but gives no names. One is taking his word and his opinion for quite a lot here, especially for someone whose thesis is that his own work is flawed.
Doubtless, this article will explain away every anomaly to some, but some of us have done far more real research than the likes of Honigsbaum.
We prefer to use straight-forward means, and will come to a conclusion based on facts, not on emotion, opinion and retraction.
• Kenyon Gibson is the author of 'Hemp for Victory', and 'Common Sense: A Study of the Bushes, the CIA and the Suspicions Regarding 9/11'.
john prescott admits 'dome' love
schmoo was woken up today by John Prescott, the veteran tory basher, sitting on the end of our bed. Somehow he got through security (there will be an investigation), and into the schmoo 'safe-house' accompanied by John Humphreys of the BBC Radio 4 'Today' program.
Bleary eyed schmoo (still recovering from celebrating the end of Portugal), then had to listen to the two of them having a very stupid and heated argument about nothing very much for over 20 minutes.
John Humphrey's seemed to be obsessed with Prescott's sex life. Is he jealous? The implied insinuation that it is wrong to have a sex life is very worrying. Are the 'Puritans' going to win the next election?
At one point Prescott said "There is no truth in much of the stories". So some of them must be true, but which one? For example schmoo has heard that Prescott is in love with what he calls the 'Jewel of London' - the attractive and shapely (if you like big ones) east end 'Dome'.
It is obvious that poor old 'Prezza' is under a sustained 'dirty tricks' attack by the hypocritical Tories, and their vile supporters in the press.
But what is really disgusting is the attacks by 'left wing' Labour MPs and other so called 'radicals'. Thease 'double agents' are the very people who helped the Tories to ransack Britain for 18 years. Now these Tories in disguise seem to be doing their level best to do the same again. Why don't they just admit it - they want David Cameron to be the next Prime Minister!
Less well known is the 'black blogging' psyco ops campaign being run against Prescott by 'rogue' members of 'M15' who want to declare martial rule, so they can put 'lads magazines' on the 'top shelf'.
schmoo supports John Prescott in turning "unemployment into jobs, homelessness into homes" - but then we supported the england team and look what happened to them.
It is good to hear that Prescott plans to stay - anything is better than the Tory Anarchists and their perverted blogger friends (not that we have anything against cross dressers - just hypocites and two timing police informers).
john prescott
Bleary eyed schmoo (still recovering from celebrating the end of Portugal), then had to listen to the two of them having a very stupid and heated argument about nothing very much for over 20 minutes.
John Humphrey's seemed to be obsessed with Prescott's sex life. Is he jealous? The implied insinuation that it is wrong to have a sex life is very worrying. Are the 'Puritans' going to win the next election?
At one point Prescott said "There is no truth in much of the stories". So some of them must be true, but which one? For example schmoo has heard that Prescott is in love with what he calls the 'Jewel of London' - the attractive and shapely (if you like big ones) east end 'Dome'.
It is obvious that poor old 'Prezza' is under a sustained 'dirty tricks' attack by the hypocritical Tories, and their vile supporters in the press.
But what is really disgusting is the attacks by 'left wing' Labour MPs and other so called 'radicals'. Thease 'double agents' are the very people who helped the Tories to ransack Britain for 18 years. Now these Tories in disguise seem to be doing their level best to do the same again. Why don't they just admit it - they want David Cameron to be the next Prime Minister!
Less well known is the 'black blogging' psyco ops campaign being run against Prescott by 'rogue' members of 'M15' who want to declare martial rule, so they can put 'lads magazines' on the 'top shelf'.
schmoo supports John Prescott in turning "unemployment into jobs, homelessness into homes" - but then we supported the england team and look what happened to them.
It is good to hear that Prescott plans to stay - anything is better than the Tory Anarchists and their perverted blogger friends (not that we have anything against cross dressers - just hypocites and two timing police informers).
john prescott
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
space shuttle blasts off: but future is the 'space lift'

First conceived of over 30 years ago by the science fiction writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the space lift is now a serious possibility.
A development company, 'Liftport' plans to build a 'lift' using a carbon nanotube stretching 62,000 miles into space. The first 'LiftPort Space Elevator' will be anchored to an offshore sea platform near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, and to a small man-made counterweight in space.

The spacelift will revolutionise our relationship with space, enabling massive payloads to be 'imported' and 'exported' between earth and space.
Because the space lifts could carry much bigger pay loads than any rocket, one important function could be to help rid the planet of toxic waste. This may possibly include radioactive waste from nuclear power stations which would then be shot into the Sun. The need to deal with nuclear waste with a 'half-life' of up to 250,000 years is the main problems with the use of nuclear power (apart from serious accidents with the potential to kill millions of people). Environmentalists currently fear the 'nuclear trains' which carry dangerous radioactive waste through London and across Britain to be reprocessed. So one day 'Friends of the Universe', may be protesting against 'nuclear lifts'.

• The Lift Port Group have recently published a book about their plans: 'LiftPort - The Space Elevator: Opening Space to Everyone.'
• There is a lot more information at the 'Space Elevator Reference' website
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
gay pride: "we are queer, and we are here" - but so are the gay bashers

• When Sir Elton John and David Furnish got married this year they ware so worried at being attacked they avoided the public as much as possible and made a dash from their wedding car rather than shake anyone's hands.
• Cruising in Clapham Common is increasingly dangerous - last year there was a homophobic murder, in march this year a man was brutally attacked just yards from the site of the murder.
• Men in Scotland are almost four times as likely to be attacked if they are homosexual.

• 'Brighton Pride' - 29th July - 3rd August.
• 'Manchester Pride' - 18-28 August.

gay pride -
Monday, July 3, 2006
mexican election: will 'Mañana' ever come for left?
It is not looking good for Mexico with election officials announcing the 'results' will not be announced (fixed) until Wednesday.
All the signs are that this is the lastest move in one of the dirtiest election ever in a country who's politics are so corrupt they usually announce election results in advance.
In a typical last minute.con twister, Mexico's 'Pinocet', ex President Luis Echeverría was arrested on genocide charges just two days before election day. The long over due arrest was due to his likely role in ordering the 1968 massacre of student protesters in Mexico City. A march of about 200 students was ambushed by police armed with machine guns who then opened fire killing dozens. Many of the survivors escaped into the jungles around Acopilco, and spent the next 20 years kidnapping American 'gringo' tourists, and growing excellent marijuana.
Ironically the Echeverría arrest will probally have helped the right wing 'National Action Party' candidate Felipe Calderón in the election. The 'NAP' has been raking in the bribes ('ruling') for the last five years, and have been strongly criticised for a lack of action against the mass killer.
Meanwhile the 'filthy gringos' (as all decent Mexicans call their American 'evil empire' neighbours), have been doing everything they can to help stop Mexico joining the Latin American move to the left. Currently Bush has been massing troops on the border. Supposedly the troops are there to stop the 'wet-back' so called 'illegal immigrants' getting into California and Texas - which used to be part of Mexico.
However unlikely it may be, it is indicative of how little the 'gringos' are trusted that many people believe the troops are there for another reason - to invade if Mexico elects a left wing government.
• It's obvious which side the money is on in this election: Bloomberg is reporting a massive surge on the peso, with the biggest gain in six years. This is on news that the rightwing, gringo foot licking candidate, Felipe Calderon (a Mexican clone of Britain's tory David Cameron), is taking the lead (in fixing the results in his favour). Mexican stocks and bonds have also leapt in value.
Calderon, seems to know something no one else does. He is quoted today as saying: "In terms of probability, a reversal is impossible."
All the signs are that this is the lastest move in one of the dirtiest election ever in a country who's politics are so corrupt they usually announce election results in advance.
In a typical last minute.con twister, Mexico's 'Pinocet', ex President Luis Echeverría was arrested on genocide charges just two days before election day. The long over due arrest was due to his likely role in ordering the 1968 massacre of student protesters in Mexico City. A march of about 200 students was ambushed by police armed with machine guns who then opened fire killing dozens. Many of the survivors escaped into the jungles around Acopilco, and spent the next 20 years kidnapping American 'gringo' tourists, and growing excellent marijuana.
Ironically the Echeverría arrest will probally have helped the right wing 'National Action Party' candidate Felipe Calderón in the election. The 'NAP' has been raking in the bribes ('ruling') for the last five years, and have been strongly criticised for a lack of action against the mass killer.
Meanwhile the 'filthy gringos' (as all decent Mexicans call their American 'evil empire' neighbours), have been doing everything they can to help stop Mexico joining the Latin American move to the left. Currently Bush has been massing troops on the border. Supposedly the troops are there to stop the 'wet-back' so called 'illegal immigrants' getting into California and Texas - which used to be part of Mexico.
However unlikely it may be, it is indicative of how little the 'gringos' are trusted that many people believe the troops are there for another reason - to invade if Mexico elects a left wing government.
• It's obvious which side the money is on in this election: Bloomberg is reporting a massive surge on the peso, with the biggest gain in six years. This is on news that the rightwing, gringo foot licking candidate, Felipe Calderon (a Mexican clone of Britain's tory David Cameron), is taking the lead (in fixing the results in his favour). Mexican stocks and bonds have also leapt in value.
Calderon, seems to know something no one else does. He is quoted today as saying: "In terms of probability, a reversal is impossible."
Sunday, July 2, 2006
operation desert geek: pentagon is planning next invasion after Iraq - on 'my space'

New Scientist magazine is reporting that the Pentagon's 'National Security Agency', which specializes in eavesdropping and code-breaking, is funding research into the "mass harvesting of the information that people post about themselves" on "social networks" such as 'my space'.
With a population of an estimated 18 million members 'my space' is considered a potential 'hot bed' of terrorism (instead of 'hot' men and women), by the paranoid freaks in the Pentagon, who are so out of the loop, they think 'wicked' means bad.
Now the 'sad' Pentagon peepers are hatching a perverted 'master' plan to enable them to watch everyone - everywhere.
Apparently the Pentagon is funding an evil research organization called 'Advanced Research Development Activity (ARDA) to 'scout' their 'my space' invasion.
The 'New Scientist says: "According to a report entitled 'Data Mining and Homeland Security', published by the Congressional Research Service in January, ARDA's role is to spend NSA money on research that can "solve some of the most critical problems facing the US intelligence community". Chief among ARDA's aims is to make sense of the massive amounts of data the NSA collects - some of its sources grow by around 4 million gigabytes a month".
The Pentagon peeper perverts want to 'harvest' every bit of information they can about people to build up a massive social map of interconnections. 'My Space' members will be 'tagged' according to their social, political and sexual preferences - and according to who they are linked with on the net.
For example they will be looking for people who are into learning how to fly airplanes - and people who know people who know people who are thinking of learning how to fly an airplane. People who play airplane flying games could also be 'tagged' as possible 'enemy combatants'. If they could they would count how many sheets of bog paper you use.
Already people are losing jobs or being rejected in job interviews because of personal information on the web which can be accessed with a simple Google search - even years after the original posting.
"People often list other facets of their personality including political, sexual, entertainment, media and sporting preferences too. Some go much further, and a few have lost their jobs by publicly describing drinking and drug-taking exploits. Young people have even been barred from the orthodox religious colleges that they are enrolled in for revealing online that they are gay." reports the New Scientist.
Soon you could be 'tagged' just for doing a search on 'Last' - after all you might be trying to escape.
• Perhaps the Pentagon should track the connections between George Bush and his friends.
myspace - social networking - pentagon
G8 - Live 8 - never too late to do more (except for the millions of already dead of course)

g8 - Live 8
Saturday, July 1, 2006
world war cup: balloon burst for england



But despite the fact he lost the war for England, the Swedish mercenary will be paid millions. Still there is one thing to cheer up the patriotic English fans - this is finally the end of Sven.
world cup
world cup: come off it england - you can win!

world cup
world cup warning: angolan virus hack attackers

Fouls include: 'trip up' pop-ups, 'off side' e-mail spam, plus illegal passing of your passwords and credit card numbers to 'strikers' who hit your accounts and run off with all your money.
It can only be a matter of time before anti viris software called 'WebRef' is available.
world cup
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