Above: recent YouTube demo video of the incredible Toyota iReal personal transport vehicle. For a much better look BBC's Top Gear did a very informative test drive review of the iReal recently.
As you might imagine, here at schmoo on the run's 'safe house' in central London we are always considering the best means of escape. Every safe house should have several.>
The amazing Toyota iReal personal transport unit is therefore of considerable interest. Of course this may be the beginning of the transition of humanity into a part-flesh part-machine species - but it had to happen sometime. We have just got to make sure humans are not turned into Daleks or Cybermen variations as
featured in Dr Who.

Toyota iReal Schmoo Buyers Club
If you are interested in buying the Toyota iReal as soon as possible, at the best possible price, you can join the absolutely no obligation 'Schmoo Advance Bulk-buy Purchase Discount Buyers Club', or 'Schmoo Buyer's Club' for short, right now. All you have to do is send a email to us saying you are interested. The moment the Toyota iReal vehicle is available, which could be more than a year or more away, you will be informed. You will also be informed of development news. We hope to have a sizable list of interested people by the time Toyota launches the iReal. United as a 'buyers union' via the 'Toyota iReal Buyers Club' we will negotiate a special deal with Toyota. If you are interested please email buyersclub at schmoo.co.uk, with 'buyers club toyota ireal' in the subject header.
• schmoo buyer club members [free registration], are beating the recession by joining no obligation buyers groups for the following items; electric bicycle, solar panel, windmill, spirilina [algae super food], sacks of organic brown rice [uk only], wide screen tv, apple computers, organic cold pressed hemp oil, cheap charter flights. Members can also apply to start and manage buyers groups for products not listed, subject to our super strict quality control and ethical policies.
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