• There is another chance to check out the latest in vegan cuisine (and have a free lunch) at the London Vegan Festival on Sunday,19th August 2007. 10am-8pm at Kensington Town Hall, Hornton St, London, W8.

schmoo writes on the run from almost everyone, hiding in a 'safe house' somewhere in central london.
"Say the word hemp to anyone, and chances are many will either have notions of illegal drug use, sandal wearing bearded non-conformists and for those old enough to remember – the heady days of the 60’s.schmoo is arranging for a free ticket to the Hemp Expo be sent to Anya Hindmarch - for educational purposes.
But mention that the hemp plant contains vital life giving oils, anti-oxidants and vitamins, as well as possessing huge medicinal qualities; ranging from effective painrelief through to relieving depression; most will be left amazed with the plants versatility. And the good news doesn’t stop there – research has proven that the all too often demonised cannabis plant could be the answer to current concerns over global warming, with clothes, technical textiles, other industrial products, paper, building materials, food stuffs, body care all being made from the hemp plant. Simply growing hemp could relieve many of the planets problems too! And could – if adopted on a bigger scale - prove a massive boon to the agricultural industry. Hemp is pest resistant, it suppresses weeds, and it’s a soil improver making for excellent animal bedding and feed. … and that is why we are staging the 4th annual Hemp Expo at the Telford International Centre in May 5, 6, & 7th 2007. To let the world know why we need hemp in our lives!"