Friday, November 3, 2006

iraq inquiry debate: tony benn talks to schmoo

Above: Flag of peace outside Parliament.

Above: Tony Benn outside Parliament.

Above: Parliament outside Flag of Peace.

Above: Parliament outside Tony Benn. Tony Benn told the assembled crowd that the debate on iraq was far more interesting outside parliament. He said the Iraq war was not a 'War against Terror'; "It is a war against Iraq, a war against Afganistan and a threat against Iran."

Above: Tony Benn smokes out 'schmoo on the run' with his peace pipe.

schmoo says: I have always liked Tony Benn a lot, while disagreeing with him often. In fact I agree with his son Hilary a lot more (but maybe like him a little less). As the government's 'International Development Secretary', Hilary Benn speaks eloquently in support of freedom and democracy in Iraq which few people have the guts to do - especially in the 'Anti War Coalition' supported by his dad.

I asked Tony Benn if he had arguements with his son. He laughed and said "Oh well - he is a member of a right wing government - but then so was I."

Hilary Benn is standing in the coming Labour Party election for 'Deputy Prime Minister'. I hope he wins and then becomes Prime Minister.

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